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The history of the SNT is the history of the challenge

The Leader of Generator/Petrochemistry Plant

Ethics Management

Home Sustainability Ethics Management

SNT Gulf is doing its best to be a company contributing to the world by conducting ethical management.

Ethical management is a social promise to pursue the right values with many people concerned and develop together. It is to step forward to be a trustful and respectable corporation. It requires common recognition that the substantiality of the company and the employees’ happiness can co-exist. As one of the executives and staff members of SNT, we are aware of the responsibility to succeed to the management philosophy and promise to conduct ethical management to fulfill the duty as ‘the corporation to contribute to the world.’

  • Ethical Management with Members
    Observing work discipline
    Prohibition of non-ethical behavior and
    sexual harassment
    Prohibition of receiving gift·money and treat
    Observing regulations to protect company’s
    property and information
  • Ethical Management with
    Cooperative Companies/Customers
    Expanding business ethics and celebration
    and condolences
    Prohibition of receiving gift · money, treat,
    and sponsorship
    Selecting cooperative companies and
    observing fair trade
    Prohibition of participating in share
    and investment
    Prohibition of money transaction
  • Ethical Management with
    people concerned
    Asking for outside lectures
    Observing business ethics for
    people concerned
    Details not listed in the guideline